
Biz üç profesyonel, fabrikasyon üretimden uzak, tamamen butik “haute couture” projeler üretmek amacıyla bir araya geldik. Günümüzde gayrimenkul projeleri gittikçe insan ölçeğinden uzaklaşmakta, bireyler kendi öz yaşam alanlarına sahip olmak yerine devasa yapıların kullanıcıları haline gelmektedir. Pandeminin de bize öğrettiği en önemli şeylerden biri olan doğadan kopmadan, doğayla birlikte yaşama düsturu ile yaşam alanlarınızı adım adım kişiselleştireceğiniz projeler üretiyoruz.


Servis Açıklama (Eksik Bilgi)

Test Servis 1

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

Test Servis 2

  • a
  • b
  • c
  • d

Test Servis 3

  • k
  • l
  • d
  • e


Where would you like to live? Where would you like to spend the summer season? Is the city too noisy during the weekend? Is your retirement approaching? Do you want a place close to work? Do you want to completely cross the boundaries and start a new life? You are in the right place to find your optimal location.

  1. Location selection
  2. Legal status confirmation from municipalities and land registry offices
  3. Negotiation process
  4. Final title deeds

This whole process is carried out under the guidance of our experienced team and consultants.


Where would you like to live? Where would you like to spend the summer season? Is the city too noisy during the weekend? Is your retirement approaching? Do you want a place close to work? Do you want to completely cross the boundaries and start a new life? You are in the right place to find your optimal location.

  1. Location selection
  2. Legal status confirmation from municipalities and land registry offices
  3. Negotiation process
  4. Final title deeds

This whole process is carried out under the guidance of our experienced team and consultants.


Our living spaces are our personal comfort areas that completely reflect us. What we call home with its architecture and interior/exterior design is a place that describes our spirit, view of life, borders, and what we accept or not: it reflects you and you only.

With the determination of your architectural style, the construction process will begin with the project of your choice among the alternatives we offer to you personally. When the construction is completed, the garden landscaping and interior decoration process will begin. At any point, necessary actions will be taken according to your requests.


The legal process includes the following in addition to the “location” and “design” sections:

  1. Obtaining eligibility for citizenship and handing over the property
  2. Citizenship application
  3. Overseeing the process
  4. Acquisition of citizenship

All of the steps will be completed under the guidance of our experienced consultants.



Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Test Açıklama

    Test Name Test Title


  • @antony.pavlyvianyi

  • @bar2design

  • @harrisondesign

  • @edwardswhitearchitects

  • @miladeshtiyaghi

  • @stanley.saitowitz

  • @rashan_studio

  • @taff.arquitectos

  • @tiagosousapc


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